1. Antidotes are used in __________.
A. Poisoning
B. Cough
C. Vomiting
D. Acidity
SOLUTION : Antidotes are agents that negate the effect of a poison or toxin. Antidotes mediate its effect either by preventing the absorption of the toxin, by binding and neutralizing the poison, antagonizing its end-organ effect, or by inhibition of conversion of the toxin to more toxic metabolites.
2. Antidote used for organophosphate poisoning __________
A. Neostigmine
B. Atropine
C. Magnesium sulphate
D. D-penicillamine
ANSWER:B. Atropine
SOLUTION:The mainstays of medical therapy in organophosphate (OP) poisoning include atropine, pralidoxime (2-PAM), and benzodiazepines (eg, diazepam). Initial management must focus on adequate use of atropine. Optimizing oxygenation prior to the use of atropine is recommended to minimize the potential for dysrhythmias.
3. An antidote is an agent that counteracts ___________
A. Alkali
B. Acid
C. Poison
D. Venom
ANSWER : C. Poison
SOLUTION: The International Programme of Chemical Safety broadly defines an antidote as a therapeutic agent that counteracts the toxic actions of a drug/toxin.
4. Paracetamol overdose is treated with ______.
A. Calcium Disodium EDTA
B. D- Penicillamine
C. N- Acetyl Cysteine
D. Dimercaprol
ANSWER:C.N- Acetyl Cysteine
SOLUTION:Acetylcysteine treatment (using SNAP) for paracetamol poisoning and overdose.
5. Antidote used in copper poisoning is _________,
A. Desferrixambe
B. D- penicillamine
C. Atropine
D. B.A.L
ANSWER: B.D- penicillamine
SOLUTION: D-Penicillamine is the primary chelator used in copper toxicity, although EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and DMPS (dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid) may also be used for heavy metal toxicity with copper.
6. Which of the following can be used for counteraction of poisoning caused by organophosphorus compounds ____________
A. Naloxone
B. Pethidine
C. Pralidoxime
D. Charcoal
SOLUTION: Pralidoxime is an antidote to organophosphate pesticides and chemicals.
7. Which one of the following compound is used for the treatment of cyanide poisoning________.
A. Sodium Nitrate
B. Sodium Nitrite
C. Sodium bisulphate
D. Sodium metabisulphate
ANSWER: B.Sodium Nitrite
Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate are often used in combination and are currently considered second-line therapy after hydroxocobalamin.
8. BAL is used against which metal poisoning ________.
A. Copper
B. Mercury
C. Cyanide
D. Iron
ANSWER: B.Mercury
SOLUTION: Dimercaprol, or British anti-Lewisite (BAL), is a parenterally administered heavy metal chelating agent that is used to treat arsenic, gold, copper and mercury poisoning.
9. Which of the following is the antidote of morphine_____________
A. Codeine
B. Pethidine
C. Diacentylmorphine
D. Naloxone
SOLUTION:In most states, Naloxone, the antidote for opiate overdose, is available from the pharmacy without a prescription.
10. Treatment of methanol poisoning may include following _____________.
A. Tetracycline
B. Diclofenac
C. Paracetamol
D. Ethanol
ANSWER: D.Ethanol
Fomepizole and ethanol are effective antidotes against methanol toxicity. Fomepizole or ethanol should be administered as soon as possible once the patient/victim has been admitted to a medical care facility.