1. What is the full form of “HTTP”?
A. High Transfer Terra Page
B. Higher Transfer Technology Protocol
C. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
D. Hive Type Terminal Protocol
SOLUTION:The full form of HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is an application protocol that usually contains a list of guidelines for transferring distributed data file systems and multimedia communication on the World Wide Web (WWW).
2. What is the full form of “PnP”?
A. Pre Play
B. Programming and Performance
C. Plug and Play
D. Personal Project
SOLUTION: PnP stands for “plug and play”. It’s a feature in Windows that allows a computer to adjust to hardware changes with minimal user intervention.
3. What is the full form of “EOF”?
A. Experts on Format
B. End of File
C. External File
D. Endless on Format
SOLUTION: In computing, EOF is an abbreviation for “end of file”. It’s a marker, code, or signal that indicates the end of a data file or stream.
4. What is the full form of “FLOPS”?
A. Floating Operations
B. Floating Point Operations Per Second
C. Formatting on Peer Sever
D. File System Operations
SOLUTION: FLOPS stands for floating-point operations per second. It’s a unit of measurement that calculates the performance capability of a supercomputer.
5. What is the full form of “ODBC”?
A. Open Data Base Connection
B. Open Data Base Connectivity
C. Object Data and Backup Connection
D. Operations and Development Business Organisation
SOLUTION: ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity. It’s an API that allows applications to access data from a variety of database management systems (DBMSs).
6. What is the full form of “XSL”?
A. Expandable Stylesheet Language
B. Express Style Language
C. Extended Style Sheet
D. Extensible Stylesheet Langauge
SOLUTION: XSL stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language, which is a family of standards that defines how to transform Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents.
7. What is the full form of “DPI”?
A. Dots Per Inch
B. Digital Personal Interface
C. Directional Internet Page
D. DeskTop Publishing Inc
SOLUTION: The full form of DPI is Dots Per Inch. It is a measurement of a video or print image’s density, i.e., the amount of dots that can be positioned in a line within 1 inch or 2.54 cm of width.
8. What is the full form of “IL”?
A. Instruction Limit
B. Intermediate Language
C. Integrated Logic
D. Internet Logic
SOLUTION: IL can stand for Intermediate Language or Common Intermediate Language (CIL).
9. What is the full form of “IE”?
A. Instant Explorer
B. Internet Execution
C. Industrial Extension
D. Internet Explorer
SOLUTION: IE is an acronym for Internet Explorer, a web browser that was previously included with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
10. What is the full form of “IRC”?
A. Internet Readable Code
B. Immediate to Ready Code
C. International Revised Code
D. Internet Relay Chat
SOLUTION: IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, which is a network of internet servers that allow users to communicate in real time using PCs and other devices.