Share Facebook Email Telegram WhatsApp Results #1. Example of secondary fuel is________. Coke Coke Diesel Diesel Kerosene Kerosene All of these All of these #2. A good fuel should possess _________ High calorific value High calorific value Moderate ignition temperature Moderate ignition temperature It should be pollution free It should be pollution free All of the above All of the above #3. Anthracite has _____ of% carbon. 55 - 65% 55 - 65% 60-75% 60-75% 78 - 90% 78 - 90% 94 - 97% 94 - 97% #4. Unit of Calorific value of a solid fuel in MKS system is __________. Cal/g Cal/g Kcal/Kg Kcal/Kg J/Kg J/Kg Cal/lit Cal/lit #5. Calorific value of a fuel is the total quantity of ________ liberated by complete combustion of unit mass/ volume of the fuel. Heat Heat Color Color Light Light Combustion gases Combustion gases #6. Value of (L) latene heat of condensation of water vapor in cal/gm is of a fuel does not contribute to its calorific value on combustion? 758 758 875 875 587 587 857 857 #7. Which of the following is not an advantage of gaseous fuels over solid and liquid fuels ? Their combustion can readily be controlled Their combustion can readily be controlled They cannot be preheated by the heat of the hot waste gases They cannot be preheated by the heat of the hot waste gases They can be lighted at a moment's notice They can be lighted at a moment's notice They can easily be conveyed through pipelines to the actual place of use They can easily be conveyed through pipelines to the actual place of use #8. Gross and Net calorific value of a fuel will be the same ____________. If its ash content is zero If its ash content is zero If its carbon content is very low If its carbon content is very low If its hydrogen/hydrogen compound content is zero If its hydrogen/hydrogen compound content is zero None of the above None of the above #9. Biogas is produced by anaerobic fermentation of biological materials. The main constituent of biogas is ________. Propane Propane Ethene Ethene Butane Butane Methane Methane #10. Fuel combustion is a process in which _____. Heat is not absorbed nor liberated Heat is not absorbed nor liberated Heat is absorbed Heat is absorbed Heat is liberated Heat is liberated None of these None of these Finish